5 Smart Snow Removal Tips

February 13, 2025 | Lansing

Winter in Lansing, MI, can be tough on lawns, but with proper snow removal tips, you can avoid lasting damage. At ArborLawn, we’re here to share expert advice to help you protect your grass and prepare for a thriving lawn come spring.

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Should I Be Worried About Snow Mold?

January 15, 2025 | Lansing

Are you already thinking about your spring lawn care? Because we are here at ArborLawn. While you’re dreaming about warmer days and a lush green lawn, snow mold might be brewing below the surface. This sneaky lawn disease is common in Michigan and can leave your yard looking less than its best. But don’t worry—we’re here to guide you through what snow mold is, why it matters, and what you can do about it.

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5 Reasons Your Dog Could Be Eating the Soil in Your Yard

May 13, 2024 | Grub Control

Have you ever caught your furry friend chowing down on the dirt in the yard and wondered, “Why is my dog eating the soil?” You’re not alone. Many dog owners have experienced this puzzling behavior and are left scratching their heads, trying to figure out why their beloved pup would eat dirt. The professionals here at ArborLawn love rich, healthy lawns as much as the next homeowners, and here is why your dog loves it even more.

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5 Steps to Take if You Come in Contact with Poison Ivy

July 6, 2023 | Lansing

As homeowners, we diligently care for our properties to keep them looking beautiful. Unfortunately, not all plants are friendly, and one of the most notorious is poison ivy. Poison ivy causes itching, burning, and even blistering and is a plant we often see in lawns with wooded areas. So, here are five steps you should take if you come in contact with poison ivy, brought to you by your friends at ArborLawn.

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How to Get Your Lawn Out of the Mud

February 8, 2023 | Jackson

It can be incredibly frustrating to have a lawn that is constantly muddy and filled with holes. If your lawn is experiencing this issue, you’re probably wondering what you can do to get it back in shape this spring. The good news ArborLawn is here to restore your lawn and make sure it stays healthy going forward. Read on for our top tips on getting your lawn out of the mud!

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3 Facts about Holiday Lights

December 9, 2021 | Holiday Lighting

Germany may be credited for using the first Christmas tree, but hanging those twinkling little lights is distinctly American. The tradition of hanging holiday lights dates back to Thomas Edison. As a consequence of his genius invention and creativity, we now use holiday lighting on just about every building and tree during this time of year. ArborLawn is dishing out some more fun facts about holiday lights to make the year more cheery and fun.

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3 Signs You Have Lawn Grubs

April 13, 2021 | Grub Control

Grub season is right around the corner, and you need to be prepared. Lawn grubs, also known as white grubs, are the larvae stage of various beetle species and insects. While healthier grass can usually withstand the feeding frenzy of grubs, others aren’t so lucky. Thankfully, the team at ArborLawn can help with grub treatment, and it usually starts in mid-June to late July. If you begin to notice any of these symptoms in your lawn, you have lawn grubs.

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3 Facts About Early Spring Crabgrass Prevention

April 6, 2021 | Lansing

Spring is right around the corner, and you’re probably itching to get outside. However, signs of crabgrass and weeds in your lawn can quickly turn your outdoor fun into an outdoor chore. Crabgrass can spread quickly, but it can only do so when the soil temperature reaches 60 degrees for a consistent period of time. That’s why it’s important to have your lawn treated early in the spring for this grassy invader. Here are some facts about lawn care and early spring crabgrass prevention from your trusted lawn professionals at ArborLawn.

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3 Types of Winter Shrub Damage

February 22, 2021 | Lansing

Michigan winters can be harsh. Not only do we get several inches of snow, but we also experience bitter arctic blasts and the occasional ice storm. All of these elements can take their toll on your outdoor shrubs. Younger bushes are especially vulnerable, due to shallow root systems and young bark. With proper shrub care during the summer and fall months, you can help protect your landscaping from winter damage. Yet, many homeowners call ArborLawn in the spring, looking for help to fix the physical damage of winter. Here are the most common types of winter damage we see.

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4 FAQs About Snow Mold

January 25, 2021 | Gladwin

Some people love a fresh coating of snow on the ground. However, others worry about the snow and the damage it can cause to their lawns. Once all the snow melts and the warm weather returns, snow mold can rear its ugly head. If ArborLawn didn’t treat your lawn before the winter, your lawn could emerge with round, greyish patches of mold. Here are answers to the questions people ask most frequently.

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